God's Rideshare Business

"u Now Ride"


Our Motto
Bless Your Life!


Wouldn't you have liked to invest in uBer, Lyft or Apple Computer in the very beginning?

I know I would!
We would both be Wealthy by now.



God's Rideshare Business!

Our desire is for Christians to Invest!
Must Pray and KNOW that God wants you to be an Investor in uNowRide.

Drivers Make More, Riders Pay Less! 

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"u Now Ride"

100% Fares & Tips for Drivers - Small Monthly Subscription Fee.

The New Wave in Rideshare!

Out of 3,000,000 Rideshare Drivers in the USA,
are there 100,000 Drivers who would want to keep 100% of their Fares,
instead of 70% or less, of their Fares???
They CAN with "uNowRide."

Invest in "uNowRide"

Royalties for 5 Years!

Only Two Royalty Packages Available!


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60 Month Royalty Agreement Download
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The Right Price

We designed our rideshare pricing programs so you can pay less going anywhere with our Apps. We can beat the competition because our Drivers make 100% of the Fares for a small monthly subscription!

You pay less and drivers make more, making them take much better care of YOU.

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The Right Vehicles

We make sure our Drivers have safe, up to date cars that take YOU in comfort and style.

You will be safe and feel safe throughout the entire Ride.

You can even pick your "Favorite Driver" right inside the App. 

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The Right Apps

You can call or text your Driver right inside the App. You can have multiple "Favorite Drivers." You can see when your driver will arrive and you will be notified that they have arrived. 

More features than we can list here, Download it and See for Yourself! 

Can't Invest... Want to Donate?

For More Information and a
Phone Call from

Allen Bracken Cherry/CEO,

Fill Out the Form Below

          Please Pray that

          God's Rideshare Business

          "Bless's Peoples Lives"


          Send Us Your Comments, Questions or Prayers

                Can't Invest... Want to Donate?